We are now officially entering the shivering season for the Central Valley, Bay Area and low foothills. Late November through mid-February is the most critical time for protecting frost-susceptible plants.
This is especially true for citrus tree owners, who are anxiously keeping an eye out on the upcoming weather forecasts.
For instance, the current seven day forecast for Sacramento calls for overnight temperatures to drop into the low 30's, Sunday through Tuesday. But depending where you live, it could be lower; all gardening is local.
Several days before an expected frost (temperatures dipping down to 32 degrees) is the time to gather the necessary implements to protect your citrus trees, including giving the ground beneath them a good soaking (moist soil is better than dry soil at moderating the temperature beneath the tree).
Most gardeners first thoughts about protecting their citrus trees during a frost or freeze is, "protect the fruit!"
Four Winds Growers, the Winters-based wholesale grower of many excellent varieties of citrus, offers the Citrus Variety Information Chart at their website, FourWindsGrowers.com.
Included in that chart is extensive information about each citrus variety, including suitability for indoor growing; its bloom and fruiting seasons; its recommended summer heat level to produce good fruit; and, its minimum tolerable temperature for preservation of fruit quality.
The chart points out that lemons, limes and citrons are most sensitive to frost, while sweet oranges, grapefruit, tangerines and calamondins are intermediate. Kumquats and Owari Satsuma Mandarins are the most frost-tolerant, braving temperatures into the twenties (that would classify as a freeze).
From that chart, here are the temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) at which citrus fruit damage may occur.
Sweet Oranges
Washington Navel Orange 28
Trovita Orange 28
Cara Cara (Pink) Navel Orange 28
Lane Late Navel Orange 28
Robertson Navel Orange 28
Shamouti Orange (Jaffa Palestine) 28
Valencia Orange 28
Midknight Valencia Orange 28
Trovita Orange 28
Cara Cara (Pink) Navel Orange 28
Lane Late Navel Orange 28
Robertson Navel Orange 28
Shamouti Orange (Jaffa Palestine) 28
Valencia Orange 28
Midknight Valencia Orange 28
Blood Oranges
Moro Blood Orange 28
Sanquinelli Blood Orange 28
Tarocco Blood Orange 28
Sour Oranges
Bouquet De Fleurs Sour Orange 28
Chinotto Sour Orange (Myrtle-Leaf) 28
Seville Sour Orange 28
Bergamot Sour Orange 32
Bouquet De Fleurs Sour Orange 28
Chinotto Sour Orange (Myrtle-Leaf) 28
Seville Sour Orange 28
Bergamot Sour Orange 32
Gold Nugget Mandarin (Patented) 26
Tango Mandarin (Patented) 32
Owari Satsuma Mandarin 24
Dancy Tangerine 32
Clementine Mandarin (Algerian) 28
Murcott Mandarin 32
California Honey Mandarin 32
W. Murcott Mandarin 32
Kinnow Mandarin 32
Kara Mandarin 32
Page Mandarin 32
Piie Mandarin 32
Kishu Mandarin 32
Gold Nugget Mandarin (Patented) 26
Tango Mandarin (Patented) 32
Owari Satsuma Mandarin 24
Dancy Tangerine 32
Clementine Mandarin (Algerian) 28
Murcott Mandarin 32
California Honey Mandarin 32
W. Murcott Mandarin 32
Kinnow Mandarin 32
Kara Mandarin 32
Page Mandarin 32
Piie Mandarin 32
Kishu Mandarin 32
Improved Meyer Lemon 32
Eureka Lemon 32
Lisbon Lemon 32
Ponderosa Lemon 32
Variegated Pink Lemon 32
Yen Ben Lemon 32
Mediterranean Lemons
Villafranca Lemon 32
Genoa Lemon (Gea) 32
Limonero Fino Lemon 32
Improved Meyer Lemon 32
Eureka Lemon 32
Lisbon Lemon 32
Ponderosa Lemon 32
Variegated Pink Lemon 32
Yen Ben Lemon 32
Mediterranean Lemons
Villafranca Lemon 32
Genoa Lemon (Gea) 32
Limonero Fino Lemon 32
Millsweet Acidless Limetta 32
Marrakech Limetta 32
Millsweet Acidless Limetta 32
Marrakech Limetta 32
Bearss Seedless Lime (TahitiPersian) 30
Kaffir Lime (KiefferThaiWild) 32
Meican Lime (Key) 32
Thornless Meican Lime 32
Meican Sweet Lime 30
Palestine Sweet Lime 30
Rangpur Lime 32
Bearss Seedless Lime (TahitiPersian) 30
Kaffir Lime (KiefferThaiWild) 32
Meican Lime (Key) 32
Thornless Meican Lime 32
Meican Sweet Lime 30
Palestine Sweet Lime 30
Rangpur Lime 32
Oroblanco Grapefruit 32
Rio Red Grapefruit 28
Star Ruby Grapefruit 28
Chandler Pummelo 28
Cocktail Grapefruit 28
Chinese Grapefruit 28
Melogold Grapefruit 28
Oroblanco Grapefruit 32
Rio Red Grapefruit 28
Star Ruby Grapefruit 28
Chandler Pummelo 28
Cocktail Grapefruit 28
Chinese Grapefruit 28
Melogold Grapefruit 28
Meiwa Kumquat 28
Nagami Kumquat 24
Indio Mandarinquat 26
Centennial Variegated Kumquat 30
Nordmann Seedless Nagami Kumquat 28
Marumi Kumquat 26
Eustis Limequat 32
Meiwa Kumquat 28
Nagami Kumquat 24
Indio Mandarinquat 26
Centennial Variegated Kumquat 30
Nordmann Seedless Nagami Kumquat 28
Marumi Kumquat 26
Eustis Limequat 32
Buddha's Hand Fingered Citron 32
Etrog Citron (Ethrog) 32
Buddha's Hand Fingered Citron 32
Etrog Citron (Ethrog) 32
Other Interesting Varieties
Minneola Tangelo 28
Australian Finger Lime 32
Yuzu 24
Calamondin 32
Variegated Calamondin 32
But what about the overall health of the citrus tree? How low can temperatures go during a freeze event before the tree is toast?
Minneola Tangelo 28
Australian Finger Lime 32
Yuzu 24
Calamondin 32
Variegated Calamondin 32
But what about the overall health of the citrus tree? How low can temperatures go during a freeze event before the tree is toast?

And that's for a citrus tree in tip-top shape: good health, with moist soil around it during a freeze. Cedar uses the example of a Meyer lemon tree:
"We often have a two to three hour dip to 28 degrees after storms; and if the above conditions are met, even Meyer lemon trees can survive, albeit not to happily, without protection. 28 degrees for four hours probably won't kill the tree, provided the rootstock cambium doesn't freeze. It will defoliate and lose twigs. At 24 degrees things start to get dicey.
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Ideally, this frost blanket should be touching the ground. |
That's when the frost blanket, bonnet and lights will work wonders. Remember, those blankets and bonnets need to go to the ground in all cases."
When a large, cold-air mass moves in from the north after a storm in the winter, that is called an advective freeze. The one that sticks out in most gardeners' memories here was the freeze of mid-December 1990, when nighttime temperatures fell into the teens for several days in a row, with a couple of days that didn't climb above 32 degrees. To add even more injury, a second cold snap hit near the end of the month, with temperatures dipping into the mid-20's. Many of the most susceptible (frost intolerant) landscapes were completely lost; some nurseries never recovered.
"Our first year in the citrus business here in Winters was 1990-91. My wife, Mary Helen, and I have a Masters in Disaster," says Seeger.
Which is why Cedar is an adherent of watching the dew point, the temperature at which saturation has been reached, when water vapor condenses into water. The lower the dew point, the more danger of cold damage to your plants. One good online source for dew point temperatures is the National Weather Service's Tabular Forecast Page , which offers a forecast for two days in advance (that link is for Sacramento).
"A good watering going into an advection night is mandatory. If the ground and surrounding grass is wet, it creates a micro dew point environment around the trees. In a dry, cold La Nina winter such as we're about to get, it is important to remember the dew point concept. At 22 and below, it's full on emergency response, pile straw, hay around trunks, anything, lights, covering," says Cedar, a man who learned these lessons the hard way. But he is not an adherent of running sprinklers during a freeze.
"My experience with overhead sprinklers is that they more often than not freeze up, and then it's all over. And you are risking branch breakage on that ice-entombed citrus. Yeah, it can work, but screw it; it's messy, risky and a lot of work. Use the large Christmas lights and mid-weight frost covers. But pay attention to the trunk / rootstock. If that freezes, it's a goner."
Citrus trees most at risk to fatal damage from a frost or freeze are the young trees. It is vital that they be covered completely when a heavy frost or freeze is predicted, and provide protection for the trunk, bud union and rootstock area. That can include trunk wraps, newspapers, old carpeting.
In his book, "Citrus"
And Thanksgiving, by the way, is next Thursday.
Buying up Christmas lights at after Christmas sales helps me stock up on the lights I run during freezes.
ReplyDeleteI would rather protect the citrus and bring on the freeze to kill off some pests. Doesn't freezing temperatures help stone fruit trees and apples?
For citrus protection, make sure those holiday lights are the old style large bulbs. Yes, most deciduous fruit trees need a certain number of chilling hours (hours below 45 degrees). Depending on the variety, that requirement might range from a couple hundred to over a thousand. Here in the Sacramento area, we usually get about 800 chilling hours between November and February.
ReplyDeleteWhy the larger Christmas lights? Do they provide more warmth?
ReplyDeleteYes, the older, larger holiday bulbs put out much more heat than the newer, smaller bulbs or LED's.
ReplyDeleteI put five gallon buckets of water around the trunk, like the "wall of water." The "heat of fusion" plus the stored heat goes up and to the trunk. The "wall of water" is claimed to protect tomatoes to 17F.
ReplyDeleteMy grandfather used to burn wood in a 55 gallon drum before nightfall, not good for an orchard but great for a couple of trees. I think a black drum filled with water would be highly effective.
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit confused as it doesn't say what kind of dewpoint is desirable vs. dangerous, only that 22F and dry conditions are bad.
ReplyDeleteThe idea here in the comments of putting open barrels of water to absorb heat would probably work but it can also allow invasive mosquitoes (that bite during the day) to set up shop, which in 2013 wasn't much of an issue but is probably significant enough that it would be inadvisable in 2019. (Aedes' eggs can survive 6 months, near the waterline, even if dried out and later hatch.)
The old-style Christmas lights are getting harder to find but I managed to track them down on Amazon (look for 7 watt/120 volt bulbs, E17 base, incandescent type).
As for protecting the trunk or creating a more favorable micro-climate, what about surrounding the trunk with a tight ring of decent size rocks or decorative concrete/brick edging? Would that absorb daytime heat and help keep the tree trunk warmer?
Lastly, if the leaves droop after the first freeze (a couple hours at 28F) is it all over for a first-year tree? My spouse and I failed to order the C9 lights in time so we used the mini incandescent kind on the tree (unfortunately they did not reach the trunk). We then placed a metal tomato plant trellis with frost blanket wrapped around the tomato trellis as a tent. As of the following day, the tree still appeared stressed (leaves drooping after several hours in sun/warm temps). At this time of year (October) our Zone 9 climate tends to be warm during the daytime (70-80) and cold at night (upper 30s to mid 40s). The tree in question is in its first year — an in-ground Dwarf Washington Navel from Four Winds Growers, Zone 9. Any advice would be appreciated as another freeze warning is in effect tonight and our C9 lights aren't expected until next week. Thanks!
Your combination of lights, cloth and cage should get you through light frosts. Piling anything near the trunk, if left there, can lead to rot issues or insect hotels. You could temporarily wrap cardboard around the trunk. Temporarily. Young trees are most susceptible to freeze issues, but it usually takes two or three frosts to do damage to a young tree.